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Table 2 Didactic program in dietetics students’ satisfaction with learning modes used during the COVID-19 pandemic (n = 341)

From: Didactic program in dietetics (DPD) students’ experiences with pandemic learning and expectations for their future education: a descriptive study through a systems lens

Learning Mode

Mean ± SD

n (%)

Very Dissatisfied

Somewhat Dissatisfied

Neither satisfied nor


Somewhat Satisfied

Very Satisfied

Lecture-based coursesa


Fully in-person (n = 301)

4.14 ± 1.12

15 (5.0)

17 (5.6)

28 (9.3)

93 (30.9)

148 (49.2)

Synchronous remote (n = 316)

3.75 ± 1.14

15 (4.7)

42 (13.3)

38 (12.0)

134 (42.4)

87 (27.5)

Blended/Hybrid (n = 302)

3.74 ± 1.15

18 (6.0)

32 (10.6)

44 (14.6)

124 (41.1)

84 (27.8)

Asynchronous remote (n = 308)

3.71 ± 1.23

24 (7.8)

34 (11.0)

43 (14.0)

112 (36.4)

95 (30.8)

Laboratory-based coursesa


Fully in-person (n = 268)

4.17 ± 1.14

14 (5.2)

15 (5.6)

24 (9.0)

73 (27.2)

142 (53.0)

Blended/Hybrid (n = 243)

3.59 ± 1.25

21 (8.6)

32 (13.2)

38 (15.6)

87 (35.8)

65 (26.7)

Synchronous remote (n = 250)

3.19 ± 1.42

39 (15.6)

54 (21.6)

38 (15.2)

59 (23.6)

60 (24.0)

Asynchronous remote (n = 248)

3.01 ± 1.50

55 (22.2)

53 (21.4)

33 (13.3)

49 (19.8)

58 (23.4)

  1. aFive-point Scale: 1 = Very Dissatisfied to 5 = Very Satisfied; higher means indicate greater satisfaction