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Table 4 Differences between the pre-test and post-test of UWE-IP subscales scores for all students

From: Evaluating the impact of a blended interprofessional education course on students’ attitudes towards interprofessional education: a pre-post study



Mean M (SD)


Mean M (SD)

t-test (df), P-value

Interprofessional learning scale  (score min:9; max:27)


11.08 (2.73)

11,03 (2.9)

0.289 (255), 0.77

Interprofessional relationship scale  (score min: 8; max:24)


11.18 (2,67)

10.38 (2.55)

5.3 (255), 0.001

Total of the two subscales  (score min: 17; max: 51)


22.26 (3.96)

21.41 (4.30)

3.311 (255), 0.001

  1. M  Mean, SD Standard deviation