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Table 1 Constructs of digital professionalism and their definitions

From: Development and validation of self-assessment instrument to measure the digital professionalism of healthcare professionals using social media



1. Privacy settings

Part of social networking website or internet browser that allows one to control who can have access to personal information or see the content posted

2. Self-anonymity

A condition in which the identity of healthcare professionals is not known to others

3. Maintaining Confidentiality

Limit the disclosure of a patient’s identity and any data entrusted to professionals during assessment, diagnosis, and treatment and protect it against unauthorized access

4. Maintaining Boundaries

Ability to recognize and draw a line between a professional and a personal relationship

5. Conflict of Interest

A situation in which a healthcare professional is at risk of acting in a biased way because of personal, commercial, or financial interests

6. Accountability

Extent to which healthcare professionals are answerable to patients, colleagues, employers and society for their behaviour, judgement, and decisions

7. Respect for Colleagues

Treating co-workers and colleagues with respect, kindness, courtesy, and politeness

8. Ethics

Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conduct of an activity