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Table 1 Components in evaluation of each element of CIPP framework

From: Evaluation of FamMed essentials: a blended-learning program for capacity building of general practitioners in Pakistan

Type of Evaluation

Questions asked



Is there a need to develop a program?

- Literature review

What are the educational needs of general practitioners?

- Needs assessment survey conducted

What resources are required for content development, administration of program and funding?

- Identification of existing resources

- Family Medicine Faculty

- Funding from University


How appropriate is the content for an LMIC*, especially Pakistan? Does it cover the core material of national and international programs?

- Review of curricula of existing Family Medicine post-graduate training programs

- Consensus of faculty using Delphi method

What eeducational strategies are used for optimal content delivery?

- Training of faculty by Blended and Digital Learning network team

- Use of synchronous, asynchronous, and face-to-face components

- Multimedia team

How user friendly is the program in the virtual learning environment?

- Learning management system team (LMS)

What is the accreditation process for continuing professional development?

- Department of Continuous Professional Education evaluates for ACCME credit hours

How will the program be most accessible to GPs?

- Modular curriculum

- Curricular content available for asynchronous learning

- Synchronous sessions scheduled on weekends


Are we inducting the right participants?

- Broad reach through University’s online recruitment platforms

- Demographics of participants

To what extent the program was carried out as planned?

- Participants’ feedback at the end of each module, onsite clinical skills session and Task Oriented Assessment of Clinical Skills (TOACS).

Program adherence and program attrition

- Ongoing monitoring of participation and completion of activities.

- Reminders sent to inactive participants.


To what extent did the program achieve the original objectives?

- Knowledge acquisition through pre and post module tests

- Perceived confidence in clinical skills through feedback after onsite clinical skills session

- Competence in knowledge and clinical skills through TOACS exam.

What is the ooverall impression and impact of the program?

Is the program sustainable?

- End of program survey

- Participant Focus Group Discussion (FGDs)

- FGD with the Faculty

- Financial feasibility work plan

  1. *Low and Low Middle-Income Countries