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Table 2 Preparation for the review session

From: Evaluation of the physician quality improvement initiative: the expected and unexpected opportunities

Preparation for facilitated review session

Some DCs were unsure of how to manage the facilitation of the report review sessions and expected difficulties with select groups of physicians. The chiefs were reassured and gained confidence using the coaching documents and tools, as well as meeting with the project lead to discuss facilitation strategies.

How do you get physicians to open up in a very candid and honest way about the feedback that is not so positive, rather than just say “oh yes, I’m going to improve.” It’s a difficult conversation. That’s really the most difficult part of the entire process, right, is where you try and spin it as positively as you can, and it should be a positive experience. Ultimately, the people that are the most problematic, are usually the people that are the least likely to tolerate the criticism. DC3

It was useful as a way of framing it, the way of dealing with more perhaps critical feedback, how to frame that and pitch it, really, and work through it, developing a prescription, really, to improve. DC5

Once you walked through the process, which was great, the process had clear outlined expectations of how to use the document. It came with some resource to walk the individual through how to make some change and some choices. Having been through some coaching and an interest in mentoring and coaching and sponsorship myself, it resonated exactly with how I would approach this. It fit for the stuff that I’ve done in the past. When I walked through it, it was very helpful. It made the process quite easy. DC1

I think that the debriefing afterwards in preparation for providing the feedback is probably one of the most important things. DC4

  1. DC Department Chief