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Table 1 Causes for seeking academic dispensations in cases and controls (n = 432)

From: Residents in difficulty—just slower learners? a case–control study

Category name


Poor organizational skills

Applications for dispensations due to missed deadlines, e.g. late registrations for exams or submission of assignments, etc.


Applications for extended examination time, changes in order and timing of courses and examinations, etc. due to pregnancy.

Family problems

Applications grounded in problematic or serious familial events or situations, e.g. burials, parental responsibilities, life threatening disease, etc.


Applications—typically relating to examinations (i.e. extended examination time, extra exam attempts, re-examinations)—which were caused by chronic illnesses, handicaps, or dyslexia.

Academic problems

Applications for a 4th or 5th exam attempt where no causes were given, as well as applications for remediation activities.


Applications for re-examinations on grounds of shorter lasting illnesses such as influenza, etc.

Study plan deviations

Applications for changes from the standard study plan, i.e. changes in the order of subjects, time of examination, etc. We distinguished between three subcategories of study plan deviations: positive, neutral or negative. In the positive subcategory the causes related to relevant research or international exchange activities, etc. In the neutral category we were either unable to ascertain a cause or unable to determine whether a cause was positive or negative. Finally, in the negative deviations category, there were clear signs of students prioritizing other activities above medical school activities, for example: holidays booked during terms, family birthdays, sport activities, etc., or signs that students were struggling to keep up with the ordinary study plan.


Applications for merits for courses taken in other programs, or advance approval of planned relevant educational activities such as electives and placements, etc.