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Table 1 Phlebotomy training assessment checklist.

From: Clinical training: a simulation program for phlebotomy

1. Preparation

Preparation of devices and equipment:

   • Preparation of appropriate needle, test tube and other equipment items.

Confirmation of patient's details:

   • Confirm patient details such as full name, date of birth and address.

2. Implementation

Infection control:

   • Hand-washing.

   • Use of hand gloves.

   • Placement of sheet under patient's arm.

Communication with patient:

   • Verbal communication during the procedure.

   • Observation of patient's facial expression, e.g., pain.

   • Appropriate attitude and provision of explanation, if procedure failed.

Foresee nerve injury:

   • Ask patient about pain and/or numbness.

   • Needle withdrawal.

Technical skill:

   • Use of strapping band and duration of avascularization (within 2 minutes).

   • Angle of needle insertion.

Arrest bleeding:

   • Confirmation at puncture site and appropriate arrest technique.

3. After blood is taken

Needle-stick accident prevention:

   • Appropriate handling of used devices such as no recap for needle.

Clear away:

   • Placing each used device in the appropriate location.

  1. Each item was scored as "performed appropriately", "not performed", or "performed but inappropriately" for each point.