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Table 6 Student preference for method of quality improvement education*

From: Patient safety and quality improvement education: a cross-sectional study of medical students’ preferences and attitudes

Teaching method

All students N = 366

Preclinical N = 158

Clinical N = 200

Large Lecture

2.6 (1.2)

2.5 (1.2)

2.7 (1.2)

Real life example of quality improvement projects presented by physicians

4.2 (0.9)

4.1 (0.9)

4.2 (0.9)

Independently completed computer modules

2.4 (1.1)

2.1 (1.1)

2.5 (1.1)

Quality improvement project on fake patients

3.3 (1.1)

3.3 (1.1)

3.3 (1.1)

Quality improvement project on real patients

3.9 (1.0)

3.9 (1.0)

4.0 (1.0)

Independent study with reading and reflection

2.3 (1.1)

2.1 (1.1)

2.5 (1.1)

Problem based learning

3.2 (1.1)

3.1 (1.2)

3.3 (1.0)

Virtual Simulation (like the game Sim City)

3.3 (1.2)

3.3 (1.2)

3.3 (1.3)

  1. * Preferences are rated on a scale of 1–5 with 1 being not helpful and 5 being very helpful.
  2. Mean (SD).