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Table 1 Interview schedule

From: Assessing fitness-to-practice of overseas-trained health practitioners by Australian registration & accreditation bodies

1. How do you determine the initial eligibility of an overseas trained practitioner to undertake further assessment? Why?

2. How does your organisation assess:

 a. Basic sciences?

 b. Taking a clinical history?

 c. Doing a clinical assessment?

 d. Diagnosis & clinical reasoning?

 e. Treatment?

 f. Aftercare and follow-up?

 g. Practitioner-client (osteopath-patient) communication.

 h. Commitment to continuous improvement and professional development?

 i. Knowledge of the Australian health system?

 j. Collaboration with other health professionals?

3. How does your organisation set the standard (pass mark) for each assessment task?

4. How does your organisation select assessors/examiners? Do you require assessors/examiners to undergo training?

5. How does your organisation review the performance of your assessment processes for overseas trained practitioners?

6. What do you believe are the strengths of your organisation’s assessment processes for overseas trained practitioners?

7. What do you believe are the weaknesses of your organisation’s assessment processes for overseas trained practitioners?

8. How do you manage risks to the public and to the profession in the assessment of overseas trained practitioners?

9. Does your organisation use supervised practice as part of the assessment of overseas trained practitioners?

10. How does your organisation deal with candidates who fail part of the assessment process?

11. How cost-efficient are your organisation’s processes for assessing overseas trained practitioners? How significant are the expenditure and the income associated with the assessment of overseas trained practitioners in your organisation’s annual budget?

12. Does your organisation automatically recognise graduates from any overseas training programs?