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Table 1 Clinical vignettes

From: Willingness to provide behavioral health recommendations: a cross-sectional study of entering medical students

“How would you advise . . .

Elements of counseling

. . . a 45-y.o. smoker?”

1) Discuss risks of smoking


2) Make a clear recommendation for quitting smoking


3) Discuss ways to reduce risk if smoking continues (e.g., reduce consumption)


4) Assure patient you will care for him or her regardless of his or her decision regarding quitting smoking

. . . a 38 y.o. with signs of alcoholism, including several “driving while intoxicated” arrests?”

1) Discuss risks of alcohol


2) Make a clear recommendation for abstinence from alcohol


3) Discuss ways to reduce risk if drinking continues (e.g., limit consumption, avoid driving when drinking)


4) Assure patient you will care for him or her regardless of his or her decision regarding cessation of alcohol use

. . . a 23 y.o. who is sedentary and 20 pounds overweight?”

1) Discuss risks of sedentary lifestyle and obesity


2) Make a clear recommendation for improved diet and exercise


3) Discuss ways to reduce risk if the patient does not wish to change diet or exercise (e.g., suggest small changes)


4) Assure patient you will care for him or her regardless of his or her weight and decision regarding diet and exercise

. . . a 16 y.o. contemplating becoming sexually active, including intercourse?”

1) Discuss risks of sexual intercourse


2) Make a clear recommendation for abstinence from sexual intercourse


3) Discuss ways to reduce risk if the patient begins engaging in sexual intercourse (e.g., condom use, contraception)


4) Assure patient you will care for him or her regardless of his or her decision regarding sexual activity.

  1. a Students answered the four questions for each vignette using a five-level Likert scale addressing likelihood of providing the designated information: (0) never, (1) rarely, (2) about half of cases, (3) usually, or (4) always or nearly always.