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Table 4 Reporting of EPA attributes and details. This table contains EPA attributes and details reported in articles included in this review. This includes reporting of EPA attributes according to the ten Cate attributes [5]; and other reported details relevant to concept fidelity and translation to practice and education

From: Inconsistently reporting post-licensure EPA specifications in different clinical professions hampers fidelity and practice translation: a scoping review

ten Cate EPA attributes [5]

Reported indicator

n (%)


Are part of essential professional work in a given context

Reported in post-registration clinical health care context

173 (100)


Require adequate knowledge, skill and attitude, generally acquired through training Should usually be confined to qualified personnel

Reported in post-registration clinical health care context

173 (100)


Usually be confined to qualified personnel

Reported in post-registration clinical health care context

Reported according to discipline-specific qualifications

173 (100)

138 (80)


Lead to recognized output of professional labor

Reported as aligned to professional competencies and/or standards

130 (75)


Reflect one or more of the competencies to be acquired

Reported sub-competencies or milestones

86 (50)


Observable and measurable in their process and their outcome, leading to a conclusion

Reported evaluation or assessment (including planned)

32 (18)


Independently executable

Requires a validity judgement beyond the scope of this review



Executable within a timeframe

Requires a validity judgement beyond the scope of this review


Reporting of aggregate ten cate EPA attributes

n (%)


Reported evaluation or assessment (including planned)



Reported sub-competencies or milestones



Reported as aligned to professional competencies and/or standards

10 (6)

Other reported details


n (%)


Reported EPA design process


92 (53)


- Reported as designed by a collaborative team of educators and clinicians

85 (49)


EPA reported by title only


87 (50)


EPA reported a combination of procedural and interpersonal skills

146 (84)


Title wording represents an end-to-end task

84 (49)