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Table 1 Examiner questionnaire

From: Examiner perceptions of the MRCGP recorded consultation assessment for general practice licensing during COVID-19: cross-sectional study

What data are we collecting?

The results from this survey will be used to evaluate the Recorded Consultation Assessment (RCA) only. This evaluation will be conducted by the RCGP. This survey will not be used to evaluate or assess you as an examiner.

This survey is designed to be anonymous and as such, we ask that you do not provide any personal data or identifying information in any of the ‘free text’ answers.

The data you provide will only be used for the purpose outlined above and stored by the RCGP ( in compliance with all relevant Data Protection laws. This survey is designed with, and hosted by, Online surveys (run by Jisc). Online surveys is fully compliant with all UK data protection laws and details on the way they store and process the data you provide can be found here:


In the survey below you will see a series of statements. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. You will have the opportunity to provide free text comments at the bottom of this page.

1. For the video consultations that I viewed, there was generally sufficient information available for me to make a judgement of the candidates’ data gathering.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

2. For the video consultations that I viewed, there was generally sufficient information available for me to make a judgement of the candidates’ clinical management.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

3. For the video consultations that I viewed, there was generally sufficient information available for me to make a judgement of the candidates’ interpersonal skills.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

4. Did you mark any audio only consultations (i.e. consultations with no video)?

Yes : No

4a. For the audio consultations that I viewed, there was generally sufficient information available for me to make a judgement of the candidates’ data gathering.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

4b. For the audio consultations that I viewed, there was generally sufficient information available for me to make a judgement of the candidates’ clinical management.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

4c. For the audio consultations that I viewed, there was generally sufficient information available for me to make a judgement of the candidates’ interpersonal skills.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

5. The content of the consultations I viewed was not reflective of the variety of a GP’s work during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

6. The content of the consultations I viewed represented a good sample across the curriculum.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

7. My level of confidence in the judgements I made compared to examining in the CSA is:

Much better : Better : About the same : Worse : Much worse

8. It was difficult to use the 3-point borderline standard setting judgement.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

9. It was easy to use the 5-point standard setting system.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

10. The Hofstee standard setting questions were easy to answer.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

11. It was easy to view, assess and feedback using the FourteenFish platform.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

12. The morning briefing meeting was helpful.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

13. The RCA examiner training was helpful in preparing me for the examination.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

14. The marshal was accessible during the day.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

15. I felt supported by the marshal with I.T/recorded consultation issues.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

16. Queries/incidents were dealt with in a timely manner by the marshal.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

17. Reminders by the marshal for the submission of marks were a useful prompt.

Strongly agree : Agree : Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) : Disagree : Strongly disagree

Free text

18. Do you have any comments on the training?

19. Do you have any comments on the marking?

20. Do you have any comments on the logistics (structure of the day, timetable, meetings, marshal support, IT)?