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Table 1 Participants’ attitude regarding sunlight exposure across different demographic strata has been compared. In response to the questions, here we presented the number of participants (n) alongside frequency percentage (%). A significant difference in attitude was observed, as suggested by p-value of less than 0.001

From: Risk perception of sun exposure and knowledge of vitamin D among the healthcare providers in a high-risk country: a cross-sectional study

Questions asked to the respondents

Answer options (checkbox)

Registered doctors n = 400 (%)

Intern doctors n = 457 (%)

MBBS students (4th / 5th year); n = 957 (%)

BDS students (4th / 5th year); n = 376 (%)



In general, what is the level of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight in Bangladesh?

Very High

96 (24%)

165 (36%)

211 (22%)

105 (28%)


 < 0.001


228 (57%)

238 (52%)

526 (55%)

220 (61%)


40 (10%)

18 (4%)

57 (6%)

19 (5%)

Almost absent

12 (3%)

9 (2%)

19 (2%)

4 (1%)

Do not Know

24 (6%)

27 (6%)

144 (15%)

23 (6%)

In your opinion, what can be the potential effects of regular sunlight exposure on the health of Bangladeshi people?

Very harmful

88 (22%)

128 (28%)

258 (27%)

128 (34%)


 < 0.001

Fairly harmful

188 (47%)

174 (38%)

373 (39%)

150 (40%)

Fairly good

76 (19%)

123 (27%)

230 (24%)

64 (17%)

Very good

36 (9%)

23 (5%)

77 (8%)

23 (6%)

There is no relationship

12 (3%)

9 (2%)

19 (2%)

11 (3%)

If Bangladeshi people spend half an hour daily in direct sunlight, what could be the possible harmful effects?*

Skin burn

116 (29%)

288 (63%)

392 (41%)

188 (50%)


 < 0.001

Reduce brightness of the skin

268 (67%)

247 (54%)

555 (58%)

203 (54%)

Increasing risk of cancer

64 (16%)

123 (27%)

335 (35%)

147 (39%)


64 (16%)

151 (33%)

249 (26%)

128 (34%)

Heat stroke

64 (16%)

91 (20%)

182 (19%)

120 (32%)

In your opinion, what is the level of necessity for Bangladeshi people to use sunscreen to avoid the negative effects of direct sunlight?

Should be used always

104 (26%)

224 (49%)

412 (43%)

229 (61%)


 < 0.001

Can be used sometimes

252 (63%)

215 (47%)

431 (45%)

120 (32%)

No need to use at all

24 (6%)

5 (1%)

57 (6%)

8 (2%)

Not sure

20 (5%)

14 (3%)

57 (6%)

19 (5%)

Have you ever checked your own vitamin D level?


48 (12%)

37 (8%)

115 (12%)

53 (14%)


 < 0.001


332 (83%)

370 (81%)

756 (79%)

308 (82%)


Not sure

20 (5%)

50 (11%)

86 (9%)

15 (4%)


Considering the overall condition, which of the following options might be most effective to ensure adequate vitamin D level for Bangladeshi population?

Taking fortified food containing vitamin D

156 (39%)

142 (31%)

431 (45%)

199 (53%)


 < 0.001

Taking vitamin D supplement

76 (19%)

119 (26%)

172 (18%)

75 (20%)

Regular sunlight exposure

160 (40%)

178 (39%)

316 (33%)

79 (21%)

Not sure

8 (2%)

18 (4%)

38 (4%)

23 (6%)

  1. *Multiple answers could be chosen by the respondents