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Table 3 Reporting of SH/SA behaviors

From: Sexual harassment from patient to medical student: a cross-sectional survey





(N = 149)


(N = 183)


(N = 80)

OR (CI)b


N (%)

N (%)

N (%)


Experienced SH/SA and did not report

107 (71.8)

89 (48.6)

18 (22.5)

1.06 (0.27,4.07)

Reasons for not reporting:

Doubt or uncertainty about the incident

 Was not sure if serious enough

97 (90.6)

83 (77.6)

14 (13.1)

3.91 (2.05,7.46)

 Did not think patient intended to harass

76 (71.0)

65 (60.7)

11 (10.3)

3.46 (1.71,6.99)

 Was not sure it was SH/SA

52 (48.6)

43 (40.2)

9 (8.4)

2.42 (1.12,5.25)

Fear of retaliation

 Did not want anything to happen to the patient

35 (32.7)

29 (27.1)

6 (5.6)

2.32 (0.92,5.84)

 Afraid of negative consequences from supervisors

28 (26.1)

23 (21.5)

5 (4.7)

2.15 (0.79,5.89)

 Afraid of negative patient satisfaction

9 (8.4)

8 (7.5)

1 (0.9)

3.61 (0.44,29.37)

Feelings of shame, helplessness or hopelessness

 Felt helpless about what happened

13 (12.1)

11 (10.3)

2 (1.9)

2.49 (0.54,11.52)

 Felt ashamed about what happened

12 (11.2)

9 (8.4)

3 (2.8)

1.33 (0.35,5.04)

 Felt hopeless about what happened

6 (5.6)

6 (5.6)

0 (0)


Systems reasons

 Did not think reporting would be productive

84 (78.5)

71 (66.3)

13 (12.1)

3.27 (1.68,6.35)

 Did not have time

36 (33.6)

34 (31.8)

2 (1.9)

8.90 (2.08,38.02)

 Did not know how to report

28 (26.2)

24 (22.4)

4 (3.7)

2.86 (0.96,8.86)

  1. Abbreviations: SH Sexual harassment, SA Sexual assault, OR Odds ratio, CI Confidence interval
  2. a Five respondents who did not identify as male or female excluded from this analysis
  3. bOdds ratio, females compared to males