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Table 1 Keyword search for the SDOH curricula

From: Effectiveness of alternative approaches to integrating SDOH into medical education: a scoping review

Ovid MEDLINE search strategy (Literature search Covered till May 2021)

1. Social determinants of or exp "Social Determinants of Health"/

2. (Social determinants of health* or sdoh).mp

3. 1 or 2

4. exp Curriculum/ or exp Clinical Competence/ or exp Educational Measurement/ or exp Students, Medical/ or exp Education, Medical, Undergraduate/ or exp Education, Medical/ or medical education*.mp. or exp Education, Medical, Graduate/

5. (curriculum* or medical education* or medical students* or medical schools*).mp

6. 4 or 5

7. 3 and 6

8. limit 7 to last 11 years

PubMed search Strategy ( Literature search Covered till May 2021)

(("Social Determinants of Health"[Title/Abstract] OR "SDOH"[Title/Abstract]) AND ("curriculum"[Text Word] OR "teaching"[Text Word]) AND ("medical school"[Text Word] OR "medical schools"[Text Word])) AND (2010:2021[pdat])

Scopus search strategy (Literature search Covered till May 2021)

( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("Social determinants of health") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (sdoh) AND KEY (curriculum OR curricula OR teaching OR learning) AND KEY ("medical student" OR "medical student" OR "medical education" OR "medical school" OR "medical schools")

Education Source search strategy (Literature search Covered till May 2021)

AB ("social determinants of health" or "determinants of health" or sdoh) OR TI ("social determinants of health" or "determinants of health" or sdoh AND TX "medical education" or "medical school" or "medical students" or "medical curriculum" or "medical student education" AND (TX ("medical education" or "medical school" or "medical students" or "medical curriculum" or "medical student education")) AND (TX ( curriculum or curricula or instruction or teaching or learning)) Limiters—Published Date: 20,100,101–20,211,231

APA PsychInfo search strategy (Literature search Covered till May 2021)

TI ( social determinants of health or determinants of health or sdoh) OR AB ( social determinants of health or determinants of health or sdoh) AND TX medical education or medical school or medical students or medical curriculum or medical student education or clinical education AND ((TX ( medical education or medical school or medical students or medical curriculum or medical student education or clinical education))

ERIC international Search strategy (Literature search Covered till May 2021)

Ab("Social determinants of health") OR ab(sdoh) OR ti("Social determinants of health") AND (curriculum* or education*) AND medical*Published Date: 2010–2021