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Table 1 Survey demographic data

From: Exploration of exposure to artificial intelligence in undergraduate medical education: a Canadian cross-sectional mixed-methods study

Age, mean (SD)

25.34 (4.26)

Total participants


Survey Population Characteristics

N (%)



300 (63.2)


166 (34.9)


3 (0.6)

 Prefer not to disclose

5 (1.1)

Year of Medical Training


214 (45.1)


130 (27.4)


73 (15.4)


48 (10.1)

 M.D. MSc

4 (0.8)

 M.D. PhD

5 (1.1)

What level of education did you achieve before beginning medical education?

 High School

18 (3.8)

 College Diploma

33 (6.9)

 Bachelor’s Degree

287 (60.4)

 Master’s Degree

120 (25.3)

 PhD or Doctorate

13 (2.7)

 Prefer not to disclose

3 (0.6)

 Do you have an immediate family member with an advanced degree (Master’s or Doctorate or similar)?

273 (57.5)

 Do you have a background in mathematics, statistics, or computer science?

74 (15.6)

 Do you consider yourself to be “tech-savvy”, or have a high degree of technological literacy?

183 (38.5)