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Table 2 Reflexive thematic analysis: the six-phase analysis (adapted from Braun and Clarke (2006)) [26]

From: Learning from the implementation of clinical empathy training: an explorative qualitative study in search of the barriers and facilitators

Analytic phase


Data familiarization

Becoming intimately familiar with the data by transcribing and re-listening to the audiotapes to be able to identify patterns

Initial code generation

Producing descriptive labels which summarize pieces of information from the transcripts that may be relevant for the research question

Generating (initial) themes

Comparing and interpreting labels to produce initial themes and identifying meaning and relationships between these initial codes

Theme review

Reviewing initial themes informed by the readiness for change theory

Theme defining and naming

Formulating final themes by defining over-arching themes in order to respond to the research question

Report production

Writing a compelling story told by the data, within and beyond the simple descriptions of the themes