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Table 1 Questionnaire contents

From: Cancer screening and prevention education in standardized training residents: A cross-sectional survey in single center



Prevention knowledge

(9 questions)

1. Excess body weight

2. Insufficient intake of fruits and dietary fiber

3. Lack of exercise

4. Smoking

5. Drinking

6. Consumption of red meat, processed meat and cured foods

7. Air pollution (PM2.5)

8. Second-hand smoke

9. Infectious agents (HP/HBV/HCV/HPV/EBV/HIV/HHV-8)

Screening knowledge

(13 questions)

10. Initial age of regular breast cancer screening in general-risk women

11. Primary breast cancer screening methods for general-risk women

12. To what extent can breast cancer mortality be reduced overall by mammography screening?

13. Primary lung cancer screening methods

14. Lung cancer screening intervals

15. To what extent can cancer mortality be reduced by low-dose CT screening in high-risk individuals?

16. Initial screening age for esophageal cancer in high-risk individuals

17. Initial screening age for gastric cancer

18. Liver cancer screening intervals for high-risk individuals

19. Primary liver cancer screening methods

20. Primary cervical cancer screening methods

21. Initial age for high-risk individuals undergoing colonoscopy

22. Primary colorectal cancer screening methods for high-risk individuals

Training status and demands (11 questions)

23. Is there a specialized training option for tumor prevention and screening scheduled during the training period?

24. Does the department teach tumor prevention and screening knowledge during the training period?

25. Is the training in tumor prevention and screening sufficient during the training period?

26. Do you have adequate knowledge reserve to provide tumor prevention and screening services?

27. Do you think a standardized training modality is needed for tumor prevention and screening?

28. A reasonable training time

29. The best training way

30. The importance of common tumors epidemiology in the training content

31. The importance of evaluation criteria of common tumors for high-risk individuals in the training content

32. The importance of primary screening techniques for common tumors in the training content

33. The importance of common tumor prognosis in the training content