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Table 1 Radiological topics included in the study plan in different modules

From: Implications of introducing case based radiological images in anatomy on teaching, learning and assessment of medical students: a mixed-methods study


Objectives Specified

Radiological Topics



Musculoskeletal Module

• Label the bones of both limbs and identify their parts seen in the X- ray

• Identify the joints of the limbs seen in X- ray and CT scan

• Recognize the difference between the shoulder and hip joints in normal CT scan

• Differentiate between the anterior and posterior view of the normal knee with emphasis of cruciate ligaments seen in MRI

• Count the vertebrae both posteroanterior and lateral view seen in (X-ray, CT scan and MRI)

• Recognize the common bone fractures of both limbs (X-ray)

• Identify the joint dislocations of both limbs and their direction seen in (X-ray, CT scan)

• Identify the injured cruciate ligament in MRI of the knee

• Identify the abnormal spine curvatures like kyphosis and scoliosis seen in (X-ray, CT scan)

• Differentiate between spondylolisthesis and vertebral dislocation seen in CT scan and MRI spine

• Recognize the herniated disc and determine its level in sagittal sections of CT scan and MRI

• Introduction to Radiology and (orientation of different X-ray views, different CT scan and MRI sections)

• Identification of bones of both extremities and their different parts in X- rays

• Identification of normal joint appearance of both extremities in X-ray

• Normal appearance of the spine in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions seen in X-ray, CT scan and MRI

• Fracture of clavicle, mid shaft and supracondylar part of humerus, radius, and ulna seen in X-ray

• Fracture of hip, acetabulum, neck of femur, tibia, and fibula seen in X-ray

• Dislocation of shoulder and elbow seen in X-ray and CT scan

• Dislocation of hip seen in CT scan

• Tear in cruciate ligaments of the knee seen in MRI

• Abnormal curvature of the spine seen in X-ray and CT scan and MRI (Frontal & sagittal section)

• Vertebral dislocation, spondylolisthesis of the spine and disc herniation seen in sagittal CT scan and MRI

GIT Module

• Identify the lumbar vertebrae, sacroiliac joint and Psoas shadow seen in X-ray

• Identify the kidney shadows, intestinal gases seen in X-ray

• Identify the normal appearance of the alimentary canal using different barium studies

• Recognize the different abdominal organs in relation to each other in axial CT scan sections with and without contrast

• Identify some of the congenital anomalies of the digestive system through X-ray like anal atresia and ultrasound like congenital duodenal atresia

• Recognize the appearance of esophageal, gastric, and intestinal abnormalities e.g., esophageal atresia, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, peptic ulcer, Hirschsprung disease seen in barium studies

• Identify the appearance of tumors of the digestive system seen in CT scan with and without contrast

• Plain X-ray of abdomen (Identify lumbar vertebrae, sacroiliac joint, Psoas shadow)

• Introduction to barium studies and procedure (Barium swallow, barium meal, barium meal follows through, barium enema)

• CT scan of the abdomen at different levels with and without contrast

• Xray for anal atresia and ultrasound for duodenal atresia

• Barium studies for esophageal atresia with fistula, achalasia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, Chron's disease, intestinal obstruction, volvulus and Hirschsprung disease

• CT scan for liver, pancreatic carcinoma

Urinary System and

Reproductive system

• Identify important pelvic landmarks like sacro -iliac joint and ischial spine

• Identify the normal appearance of urinary system and female reproductive system seen in intravenous pyelography and hysterosalpingography respectively

• Identify the normal appearance of renal artery in CT scan angiography

• Identify the normal appearance of testis, epididymis, their vasculature, and the uterine parts seen in ultrasound

• Identify the normal appearance of kidney in abdominal CT scan and uterus in pelvic CT scan

• Renal, ureteric stones, hydronephrosis seen in X-ray and IVP

• Identify the narrowed renal artery seen in CT scan angiography

• Identify the appearance of renal tumors, polycystic kidney, hydronephrosis, renal ptosis in CT and MRI

• Identify the uterine fibroids & polycystic ovary in ultrasound and uterine carcinoma in CT scan

• Identify the blockage of uterine tube and some congenital anomalies of the uterus like bicornuate, unicornuate and septate uterus and blocked uterine tubes seen in hysterosalpingography

• Identify the Torsion of the testis, varicocele, hydrocoele and testicular tumors seen in ultrasound

• Normal appearance of pelvic landmarks seen in X-ray

• Normal appearance of kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder seen in IVP & normal appearance of tubes, uterus and cervix in hysterosalpingography

• Normal appearance of renal blood vessels in CT scan angiography

• Normal appearance of testis, epididymis, their vasculature, and the uterine parts seen in ultrasound

• Renal, ureteric stones, hydronephrosis seen in X-ray and IVP

• Renal artery stenosis seen in CT scan angiography

• CT and MRI in cases of (Tumors, Polycystic kidney, Hydronephrosis, Renal Ptosis, Reverse Rotation of the kidney)

• Uterine fibroids & polycystic ovary in ultrasound and uterine carcinoma in CT scan

• Some congenital anomalies of the uterus like bicornuate, unicornuate and septate uterus and blocked uterine tubes seen in hysterosalpingography

• Torsion of the testis, varicocele, hydrocoele and testicular tumors seen in ultrasound

Respiratory system

Cardiovascular system

• Identify the nose, paranasal sinuses in skull X-ray, CT scan

• Differentiate between the posteroanterior and anteroposterior views of chest X-ray

• Identify cardiac, mediastinal, and respiratory shadows in the different X ray views of the chest

• Identify the cardiac borders, apex of the heart, aortic knuckle, cost diaphragmatic angles, trachea, and lung shadows in the posteroanterior view of X-ray

• Able to mark the different lung lobs in lateral and posteroanterior views of X-ray

• Identify the normal appearance of cardiac chambers and their relation to each other in, the big vessels and lungs axial CT scan and echocardiography

• Recognize the appearance of sinusitis seen in X-ray and frontal CT scan

• Recognize the shifted mediastinum, pericardial, pleural effusion, cardiomegaly, foreign bodies in the lungs, lung atelectasis, lung abscesses and lung tumors seen in Xray and CT scan

• Identify some of the congenital anomalies of the heart like egg on string in transposition of great vessels, Coeur en sabot in Fallot's tetralogy and rib notching in coarctation of aorta seen in X-ray

• Identify ASD, VSD and PDA seen in echocardiography

• Normal appearance of nose and paranasal sinuses seen in the Xray and CT scan

• Normal appearance of cardiorespiratory organs seen in chest Xray, CT scan with and without contrast

• Appearance of cardiomegaly pericardial, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, lung atelectasis, foreign body, lung abscesses and tumors in chest X-ray, CT scan with and without contrast

• Appearance of some congenital cardiac malformation in chest x-ray like Fallot's tetralogy, transposition of great vessels and coarctation of aorta seen in X-ray, other anomalies like ASD, VSD and PDA seen through echocardiography

Nervous System

• Identify the various lobes and ventricles of brain seen in sagittal, axial, and frontal views of CT scan and MRI

• Identify the parts and major landmarks of the brain stem and cerebellum in Sagittal view of CT scan and MRI

• Differentiate between the extradural and subdural hemorrhage in axial CT scan and compare both to the intracerebral hemorrhage

• Recognize the ventricular dilatation of ventricles in CT scan and MRI and differentiate between the communication and non-communicating types of hydrocephalus

• Recognizing abnormal intracerebral masses whether benign or malignant and compare them to the infectious mass like brain abscesses seen in CT scan and MRI

• Normal appearance of brain, brain stem, cerebellum and ventricular system in various CT and MRI sections

• Extradural, subdural, and intracerebral hemorrhage seen in CT scan and MRI

• Brain abscess, intracerebral masses whether benign or malignant seen in CT scan and MRI

Endocrine system and breast

• Identify the normal appearance of and parts of Sella turcica in lateral X-ray and normal appearance of pituitary gland in relation to the surrounding structures in sagittal & frontal sections of CT scan and MRI

• Identify the normal appearance and parts of thyroid gland in ultrasound

• Identify the normal appearance of the breast in ultrasound and mammography

• Identify double floor Sella turcica seen in X-ray

• Recognize pituitary tumors seen in CT scan and MRI

• Identify thyroid nodules seen in ultrasound and thyroid tumors seen in CT scan

• Identify adrenal gland tumors like pheochromocytoma seen in frontal and axial CT scan sections

• Identify breast masses seen in mammography and ultrasound

• Parts of Sella turcica in lateral X-ray and normal appearance of pituitary gland in sagittal & frontal sections of CT scan and MRI

• Normal appearance of thyroid gland in ultrasound

• Normal appearance of the breast tissue in ultrasound and mammography

a. The double floor Sella turcica (due to pituitary tumor) seen in X-ray

b. Pituitary tumors and their pressure effects on the related structures like optic chiasma and sphenoid sinus seen in CT scan and MRI

c. Thyroid nodules seen in ultrasound and thyroid tumors seen in CT scan

d. Adrenal gland tumors like pheochromocytoma seen in frontal and axial CT scan sections

e. Breast masses seen in mammography and ultrasound