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Table 1 Overview of AGPT and PEP training programs using the TIDieR checklist as a guide

From: A comparison of patient appraisal of professional skills for GPs in training participating in differing education programs

Intervention: A comparison of patient appraisal of professional skills for GPs in Training participating in differing education programs.

Rationale: To understand the performance of doctors on differing pathways to licensing and registration as specialist GPs in the desirable professional skills deemed necessary for working effectively in the primary care sector.

Materials and Procedures: Both groups received the Multisource Feedback tool which comprised patient and colleague feedback, and self-reflection. These surveys were administered as a requirement for education and training in Australian General Practice.

Comparison of education programs


Australian General Practice Training program

Practice Experience Program

Participant demographic

31% over the age of 35

Majority female (60%)


86% over the age of 35

Majority male (56%)

Country of primary medical qualification


Outside of Australia

Program length

3–4 years full-time

12–36 months part or full-time

Education and Training

Education and training program including uniformly mandated supervision and progress monitoring including assessment of learning.

Self-directed education program with variable supervisory requirements.

Practice location

Major cities (50%)


Predominantly outside of major cities (78%)

Practice scope

Working in comprehensive General Practice settings with diversity of practice scope.

Working in varied General Practice settings, including those with limited practice scope.


Formal syllabus-based individual and small group teaching based on the RACGP Curriculum.

Self-directed learning based on the RACGP Curriculum.


Workplace Based Assessment for the determination of progress with mandated remediation where required. i.e. assessment of learning.

Workplace Based Assessment for the purposes of feedback. i.e. assessment for learning

MSF activity

MSF not mandatory

MSF mandatory


End point: Summative written and oral RACGP examinations contributing to eligibility for Fellowship of the RACGP.