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Table 2 Characteristics of pre-and post-measurement in two hospitals

From: ‘A basic understanding’; evaluation of a blended training programme for healthcare providers in hospital-based palliative care to improve communication with patients with limited health literacy



Consultations (n = 19)

Consultations (n = 20)

Type of consultation:

Type of consultation:

  new: 2

new: 1

  repeat: 17

repeat: 19

mean duration: 22.9 min. (range: 6–69)

mean duration: 24.1 min. (range: 8–53)



  pulmonology (COPD and lung cancer): 7

pulmonology (COPD and lung cancer): 7

  radiology: 8

radiology: 10

  palliative care: 4

palliative care: 3

HCPs (n = 10)

HCPs (n = 12)

Type of provider:

Type of provider:

  pulmonologist: 1

pulmonologist: 1

  oncologist/radiologist: 5

physician assistant pulmonologist: 2

  resident: 3

oncologist/radiologist: 5

  nurse (specialist): 1

resident: 2


nurse (specialist): 2

sex of provider:

sex of provider:

  male: 3

male: 4

  female: 7

female: 8

Patients (n = 19)

Patients (n = 20)

sex of patient:

sex of patient:

  male: 11

male: 14

  female: 8

female: 6

mean age: 66.9 years (range 48–84)*

mean age: 65.1 years (range 52–81)***

education level*:

education level**:

  low: 12

low: 10

  middle: 5

middle: 3

  high: 1

high: 5



  Cancer: 18

Cancer: 18

  COPD: 1

COPD: 2#

  1. * 1 missing;** 2 missing;*** 5 missing. #One of these patients was included by the HCP as a COPD patient, but when observing the consultation this patient appeared to have sarcoidosis. Please note that all included patients are patients with LHL skills, based on the screening questions [26, 27] and/or educational level, while taking the expert opinion of the HCP about the patient’s health literacy level into account