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Table 1 Exemplary quotes representing themes from qualitative analysis of student reflections on the workshop through pharmaceutical interview course learning objectives in open-ended survey responses

From: Implementation of a patient-teaching workshop to improve pharmacy students’ competencies in patient-centered communication: a case report


Value of the collaborative environment

- “I appreciated the spontaneity of exchanges.”

- “I loved learning from patients without ego, without the stress of hospital settings.”

- “I appreciated the freedom of speech.”

Importance of interprofessional learning

- “The patients’ perception on my interview and feedback were much instructive.”

- “We learned much more than only theory.”


Expertise on how to conduct an interview

- “I’ve learnt how to conduct a structured interview with patients.”

- “How I can better formulate open questions, announce the sessions and introduce myself.”

Soft skills related to professional posture in the relationship

- “Active listening to what patients have to say.”

- “ The importance of non-verbal communication for patients (smile, attitude, empathy).”

Self efficacy

Implementation of skill in professional settings

- “I’ll try, in the future, to implement the communication techniques learnt today, when performing pharmaceutical interviews.”

- “I will implement the structure of the interview, focusing on patients’ personal life, without going into details; letting the patient talk.”