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Table 2 Exemplary quotations according to competence areas (n = 220)

From: Advanced undergraduate medical students’ perceptions of basic medical competences and specific competences for different medical specialties – a qualitative study


R-Track Items and sub-themes

Exemplary Quotesa

Social interactive competences

Structuring information (16)

“[…] to find […] a structure [in a case] is always important […].”

Self-organisation (17)

“First of all it is important to structure yourself well […].”

Selecting information (12)

“[…] what is my first impression [… which information] do I actually need.”

Prioritising information (11)

“[…] that you first prioritise what is the most important [information].”

Weighting information (10)

“[…] one can […] assess lab results well [… and] knows […] ‘[this] is acute or […] not […] so important’.”

Time management (7)

“[…] time management [… has] priority […].”

Summarizing information (5)

“[…] to summarize the important information […] for someone who has not seen the patient […].”

Tactfulness (8)

"[…] empathy is always helpful […].”

Change of perspective (7)

"[…] adaptation to the patient[‘s perspective] […].”

Stress resistance (4)

“Stress resistance in any case […].”

Staying calm (4)

“Staying calm is […] a competence one should have or develop […].”

Norms & values orientation (4)

“[… to have a] clear scheme […].”

Orientation towards patients (2)

“[…] to have enough time for the patient […].”

Coordination & decision making (2)

“[…] and then you have to [decide to] act quickly […].”

Delegation / Delegating (1)

“[…] that you can delegate in things […].”

Persuasiveness (1)

“Being very clear in the way one communicates […].”

Sovereignty (1)

“[…] doing the things one has to do oneself.”

Resistance to monotony (1)

“[…] with the fourth [patient] one thinks ‘[…] the same questions again…’ [… and] one has to [think]: ‘[…] with the next patient I have to be just as attentive’.”

Mental abilities

Concentration (1)

“[…] I was [only] fully concentrated with the first patient.”

Focusing (22)

“[…] to be focused all the time […].”

Attentiveness (7)

“[…] to somehow stay attentive […].”

Mindfulness (4)

“[…] taking up […] information […] between the lines […].”

Clarity of speech (3)

“[…] to present the patient accurately in a few words […].”

Memory capacity (2)

“[…] [to] remember what one considered before even if something comes up in between […]."

Personality Traits

Honesty (1)

“[…] one has to deal with the [different patient] personalities without, [e.g.], raising false hope […].”

Being unprejudiced (7)

“[…] not letting oneself being guided by [one’s prejudice towards a patient] […].”

Self-reflection (7)

“[…] you also must be able to reflect on yourself […].”

Dealing with ignorance (5)

“[…] but also, [that] you are not afraid to say ‘I don't know’ […].”

Asking for help (3)

“[…] that one is not afraid to say […] ‘can you help me, please’.”

Transparency (1)

“[…] being very clear in the way one communicates.”

Openness towards novelty (9)

“[…] make sure [to] take other things into account […].”

Flexibility (2)

“[…] flexibility [to] adapt to the situation […].”

Prudence (1)

“[…] patience […] we do this and that and wait for the results […].”

Cooperation / Agreeableness (1)

“[…] good communication and interaction in the team […].”


Expertise (5)

“[…] broad knowledge, specialist knowledge [… to] know […] which differential diagnoses exist.”

Communication techniques (15)

“[…] structured conversation is […] important.”

Pattern recognition (4)

“[…] you have to know the symptoms and the associated diseases […].”

Technical skills (3)

“[…] one has to be able to deal with technology […].”

Abbreviations (1)

“[….] to know all the abbreviations [… for] fast documentation […].”

Thoroughness (2)

“[…to make sure] that everything is complete [and] nothing is missing […].”

Endurance (1)

“Definitely endurance, I would say […].”

  1. aAll exemplary quotes are samples from our survey