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Table 1 Survey questions aligned with four sources of rural self-efficacy 

From: Relationship between rural self-efficacy and rural career intent after rural clinical training: a study on medical students in Japan

Sources of rural self-efficacy


strongly agree = 4 / slightly agree = 3 / slightly disagree = 2 / strongly disagree = 1

Factor 1: Work preferences

 I would like to be concerned with a patient's life throughout treatment

 I would also like to support the patient’s welfare

 I want to be a doctor who walks with the patient and works with the patient on their problems

 I would like to provide continuous care for the patient from an early stage

 I am interested in the patients themselves (e.g., children and older adults)

Factor 2: Evaluation of rural practice

 There are many opportunities in rural areas that can improve one’s career

 Working in a rural area provides more opportunities to practice a variety of skills

 There will be opportunities for community medicine in rural areas

 I am interested in research activities in the rural field

 Rural practice provides greater opportunities for work autonomy

 Factor 3: Rural living preferences

 Living in rural areas does not bother me

 I would like to bring up a child in a rural area

 There are things I enjoy doing in rural areas

Factor 4: Personal character

 I like to talk with people

 I like to talk with medical colleagues (e.g., nurses)

  1. The score is obtained by summing up the scores of all items, with the lowest possible score being 15 and the highest possible score being 60