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Table 3 Questions to evaluate student learning from training (Level 2)

From: Introducing conflict resolution and negotiation training into a biomedical sciences graduate curriculum

Q1. When you enter into negotiation, what can you do to strengthen your position/increase your leverage?

Q2. You are about to negotiate and you would like to use principled negotiation. What does this mean to you?

Q3. Make a statement/ask a question illustrating active listening

Q4. You and a colleague are working collaboratively on a side project and the balance of the work is not being equally shared. You have done most of the planning and execution of the experiments thus far. This project will be productive if your colleague fully engages. In a few sentences, begin the conversation about balancing the work with your colleague

Q5. Your colleague says, “Last night, you left the equipment I needed this morning in the sink and dirty again. You never clean up after yourself. Why do you insist on being such a pig?”. How do you respond to reframe the attack?

Q6. In a difficult conversation, your colleague goes silent. What do you need to do and how can you do it?

Q7. In a difficult conversation, your colleague becomes very sarcastic and insulting. What would you say to “surface/name” the attack and reframe the conversation?

Q8. A student working under your supervision demonstrates great technical skills, but keeps very poor notes. What would you say to the student to encourage him/her to keep better notes?

Q9. What is one strategy you can use when you are negotiating against power?

Q10. How would you respond when your opponent is stonewalling in a negotiation?