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Table 1 Qualitative themes explored with semi-structured interview to educators and employers

From: Preparedness for practice of newly qualified dental professionals in Australia - educator, employer, and consumer perspectives

1. Self-assessed levels of preparedness for practice by new graduates and the dental profession.

2. Particular areas that you felt new graduates are less prepared for after having completed the survey? If so, which area(s)?

3. Clinical areas that new graduates expressed some uncertainty about managing (i) medical emergencies and (ii) dental trauma.

4. Areas where both the profession and new graduates indicated that they felt new graduates were less prepared: (i) identifying signs of neglect and abuse; and (ii) managing individuals with disabilities or special needs.

5. Concern about how both the profession and new graduates felt about new graduates practicing as health care professionals. In particular, (i) the interface between clinical practice, (ii) patient care and legal obligations; (iii) explaining treatment costs, negotiating fees and the financial pressures of business; and (iv) managing time and stress, balance.

6. Perceived preparedness of new graduates. The graduates themselves.