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Table 2 Educational roles of programme coordinators

From: Do programme coordinators contribute to the professional development of residents? an exploratory study

Roles of programme coordinators

Socialization factors of PIF

1. Requesting supervisors to reconsider their teaching

Role models/supervisors/mentors

2. Protecting residents from the negative influence of clinical experiences

Clinical/non-clinical experiences

3. Facilitating residents’ self-assessment and confidence

Formal teaching/self-assessment

4. Creating a safer learning environment

Learning environment

5. Providing support for prior personal problems

5–1. Fostering a better atmosphere for the mental health of residents

5–2. Intervening for residents with insufficient social skills/unprofessional behaviour

Prior personal problems

6. Providing support for isolated residents

Isolation from family/friends/peers

7. Preventing problems with peers

Problems with patients and peers