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Table 1 Characteristics of Rogers’ five categories of innovation adopters. Adopted from Humbert [9], Porter and Graham [10], Porter, Graham, Spring and Welch [12], Rogers [13]

From: Medical teachers’ experience of emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-institutional study




The first 2.5% of individuals to adopt an innovation / technology

They have substantial technical expertise and self-learn new technologies

They are always ready to adopt a new technology for their day-to-day work

Early adopters

The 13.5% of individuals who adopt after the innovators

They have good technical expertise and explore new technologies

They adopt new technologies with more discretion than innovators

They serve as examples and opinion leaders among other potential adopters

Early majority

The 34% of individuals who adopt after the early adopters

They are fairly comfortable with technology

They need incentives, compelling evidence of efficiency and recommendation from opinion leaders to adopt new innovations

Late majority

The 34% of individuals who adopt after the early majority

They are less comfortable with technology compared to the early majority

They only adopt a new technology under peer pressure or necessity

They require suitable technical support for adopt new innovations


The last 16% of individuals who adopt an innovation (if ever)

They resist adopting to new innovations even under peer pressure or necessity

They tend to be disconnected from the social network of their system