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Table 1 Trainees characteristics

From: Using virtual reality in lumbar puncture training improves students learning experience

n = 168


Medical students (n = 108)


Attendings and residents (n = 60)

Age, years, mean (SD)

21.5 (1.7)

27.8 (4.0)

Age, years, median (IQR)

21 (20–22)

26 (25–29)

Men, n (%)

30 (28%)

24 (40%)

Prior exposure to VR, n (%)

48 (44%)

24 (40%)

Possession of VR headset, n (%)

14 (13%)

4 (7%)

  1. Data is presented as mean (SD), median (IQR) or number of subjects (%)
  2. Abbreviations: IQR Interquartile range, n Number of subjects, LP Lumbar puncture, SD Standard deviation, VR Virtual reality