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Table 1 Overview of training on cognitions and perceptions

From: Training on involving cognitions and perceptions in the occupational health management and work disability assessment of workers: development and evaluation





15 min

• General introduction about the learning goals of the training

• Introduction round to get to know each other

Part 1: Importance of cognitions and perceptions

45 min

• Information about ten cognitions and perceptions associated with work participation: recovery and return to work expectations, self-efficacy, feelings of control, perceived health, fear-avoidance beliefs, perceived work-relatedness, coping strategies, catastrophizing, motivation and optimism/pessimism

• Exercise in which participants discuss in pairs which cognitions and perceptions they think are most important

• Information about importance of cognitions and perceptions according to OPs and IPs in the Netherlands

Part 2: Obtaining information

60 min

• Information about how to obtain information concerning cognitions and perceptions

• Exercise in which participants in pairs identify cognitions and perceptions in four different written cases

• Exercise in which participants in pairs think up and write down questions that could be asked to obtain information regarding all ten cognitions and perceptions

• Explanation about the conversation tool

Part 3: Course of the conversation

45 min

• Exercise in which all participants are divided into two groups. One group needs to mention as many factors that can positively influence the course of the conversation as possible. The other group needs to mention as many factors as possible that can negatively influence the course of the conversation. The group which mentions the most correct factors, wins

• Information about factors that can influence the course of the conversation according to workers with a chronic disease

Part 4: Interventions

55 min

• Exercise in which participants write down how they dealt with workers with limiting cognitions and perceptions in the past and discuss this in small groups

• Information about methods to change cognitions and perceptions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, graded exposure or motivational interviewing


20 min

• Discussion about the most important things learned during the training according to the participants

  1. OPs Occupational physicians, IPs Insurance physicians