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Table 1 Program Director (PD) Survey Results (N = 27a)

From: Parental leave policy information during residency interviews


n (%)

What is your gender identity? (n = 23)


8 (35)


15 (65)

What is your age group? (n = 24)

 30–39 y

2 (8)

 40–49 y

15 (63)

 50–59 y

5 (21)

 60–69 y

2 (8)

Are parental leave policies addressed with candidates during the residency interview process?


19 (70)


8 (30)

How are parental leave policies addressed during the residency interview process? Select all that apply (n = 8)

 Verbally discussed with all candidates

3 (38)

 Discussed only if asked by a candidate

4 (50)

 Addressed with HR

1 (13)

 Presented formally in slide presentation

4 (50)


1 (13)

Why are residency parental leave policies not addressed during the interview process? Select all that apply (n = 19)

 I believe it is being presented elsewhere

4 (21)

 I do not believe it is relevant to the interview process

7 (37)

 I do not believe candidates are interested in the program’s parental leave policy

2 (11)

 I do not believe residents should be having children during training

1 (5)

 Other (free text response)

12 (63)

 Not addressed in interview process

5 (26)

 Address if asked

3 (16)

 No time

3 (16)


1 (5)

  1. a Smaller sample sizes (eg, because of no response) are indicated for specific item