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Table 2 Qualitative open responses received during the questionnaire

From: E-learning and the virtual transformation of histopathology teaching during COVID-19: its impact on student learning experience and outcome



I learned more during one online pathology practical than I did with all the in person practicals combined

Face-to-face lectures have a better flow and are easier to stay engaged with

Really valuable

I don’t personally believe that the learning experience can be replicated online

Would strongly recommend delivering the pathology content online to years 1 and 2 in future

In person labs have more individual attention per student

Very beneficial and in some instances more effective than face-to-face sessions

Lectures should stay face-to-face

I feel like I have a good grasp on pathology for the first time in my life

Much better mode of learning due to lack of room in face-to-face labs

A more efficient way to learn material

No experience using a microscope

I understand pathology much better and have gotten a lot more out of the pracs

Self-directed learning was easier face-to-face

During most of the in-person lab there was no structure and this did not help with learning


I find myself a lot more engaged in learning pathology


I have felt a lot more supported online and I feel more confident compared to last years face-to-face sessions


Online histology and pathology was significantly more valuable


Online teaching would be highly beneficial to future cohorts


The depth of explanation was better online than face-to-face


During most of the in-person lab there was no structure and this did not help with learning