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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of respondent perceptions of the virtual conference and Cronbach’s α (n = 279)

From: Virtual conference participant’s perceptions of its effectiveness and future projections


Mean (SD)

Median (Q1:Q3)

Cronbach’s α

Overall satisfaction

3.23 (.63)

3.0 (3.0:4.0)


Planning and organization

3.05 (.43)

3.0 (2.83:3.33)


Technology use

3.03 (.50)

2.67 (2.67:3.0)


Convenience and accessibility

3.02 (.59)

3.0 (2.75:3.25)


Social exchanges

2.75 (.58)

2.67 (2.67:3.0)



3.03 (.73)

2.9 (2.70:3.25)

  1. Note: Items were rated using a four-point Likert scale, where 1 = “Strongly disagree” and 4 = “Strongly agree.” One item (“There were difficulties in using IT during the conference.”) with a negative connotation was calculated after being reverse coded