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Table 4 Consensus-based course contents/topics

From: Using a mixed method to develop consensus-based aims, contents, intended learning outcomes, teaching, and evaluation methods for a course on epilepsy for postgraduate or continuing education in community health nursing programs



Round 1

Round 1

Median [Q1, Q3]

Median [Q1, Q3]

Contents relevant to nature of epilepsy and seizures


Incidence and prevalence rates at global level and in particular communities.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 8]


Pathophysiology of epilepsy and seizures.

8 [7, 9]



Epilepsy as a spectrum: types of epilepsies and their associated seizures.

8 [6, 8]


Contents relevant to management/treatment of seizures


Therapeutic options available for patients with epilepsy.

8 [7, 8]



The mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs.

7 [6, 7]



Selection of antiepileptic drugs and therapeutic goals.

8 [7, 8]



Administering antiepileptic therapy.

7 [6, 7]



Assessing effectiveness of antiepileptic therapy.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 8]


Ensuring adherence of patients to taking their antiepileptic therapy.

7 [6, 7]



Adverse effects of antiepileptic therapy.

8 [7, 8]



Screening for and minimizing adverse effects of antiepileptic therapy.

8 [7, 8]



Drug interactions of antiepileptic therapy.

7 [6, 7]



Screening for and minimizing drug-drug, drug-food, and drug-herbal interactions.

7 [6, 7]


Contents relevant to the impact of epilepsy and seizures on different life aspects of patients with epilepsy


Impact of epilepsy and seizures on the social life of patients including relationships, marriage, having children, and driving.

6 [4, 8]

8 [7, 9]


Impact of epilepsy and seizures on the economic life of patients including employment.

6 [5, 8]

7 [6, 8]

Contents relevant to advocating for the patients and supporting their choices


Supporting decisions of patients on a personalized care plan though communication, trust, and empowered decisions.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 8]


Assessing eligibility of patients for social and economic support.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 8]


Supporting choices of patients in compliance with their personal, cultural, life style, and faith values.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 8]


Supporting patients in coping with their disease and adverse effects of their treatment.

7 [6, 7]


Contents relevant to educating patients and their caregivers


Educating patients on their disease, seizures, and treatment options.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 7]


Educating patients how to keep a record of seizures to document their frequency, time of occurrence, and potential triggers.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 8]


Educating patients on triggers of seizures and how to reduce the number and frequency of seizures.

7 [6, 7]



Educating the general caregivers and the general public on the nature of epilepsy and seizures and improving their attitudes toward people with epilepsy.

6 [4, 8]

8 [7, 9]


Educating caregivers on general safety procedures and first aid for patients while experiencing seizures.

8 [7, 8]


Contents relevant to assessments and services


Periodic assessments of care plans.

8 [7, 8]



Assessing the mental health of patients for presence of manageable issues like anxiety and depression.

6 [5, 8]

7 [6, 8]


Assessing the physical health of patients for presence of manageable issues injuries and trauma.

6 [4, 8]

7 [6, 8]

  1. Q1 Lower quartile, Q3 Upper quartile, IQR: na Not applicable