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Table 2 Framework Levels

From: Children’s palliative care education and training: developing an education standard framework and audit



Public Health

In this level children’s palliative care as a public health issue will be addressed. Aspects such as social attitude to death and dying in childhood and bereavement following a child death are explored. This would be expected to be across education, health and social care and involve other stakeholder groups concerned with children, their experience of childhood, learning and support of children, siblings, parents and other family members as well as communities affected by child death (e.g. school communities).


In this level the needs will be addressed of all people working in institutions or facilities which provide care and support to children and their carers. It addresses what any person working in such environments is likely to need to understand about children’s palliative care. This includes clinical and non-clinical staff. Where children’s palliative care is everyone in the workplaces business.


In this level the focus will be on the learning for people who deliver care to children and their carers. It includes everyone who delivers care to children in education, social and health care who might encounter a child living with a life limiting/threatening condition and or the child’s carers (family and communities). The core programmes for sectors of health, education and social care might be different to address the needs of children accessing these types of care. In healthcare this level should include care of the dying child and their carers as well as supporting people with loss and bereavement following a child’s death.


In this level leadership and management of palliative and end of life care for children is the focus. It includes clinical, research, education and management leadership. As well as addressing the needs of children and carers with complex and or multiple palliative care needs it would prepare practitioners to be a resource for those learning and delivering care at the other levels. This level includes learning to deliver end of life care in complex situations or where symptom management is challenging.