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Table 1 Online survey questionnaire

From: The perspective of undergraduate dental students on web-based learning in pediatric dentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Korean multicenter cross-sectional survey


1. What is your gender?

2. Who do you currently live with?

3. Do you have any previous experience with online class? (does not have to be school related)

4. Which platform was used for your online pediatric class?

5. Was your online class live or pre-recorded?

6. Which device did you use to take online class?

7. Where did you take online class?

Online Classes

Rate your level of agreement with each statement according to Likert’s 5-point scale.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly agree

1. Online classes were prepared and structured well.

2. Online assessments and evaluations were efficient.

3. Family’s reaction online classes was positive.

4. I was overall satisfied with online classes.

5. In current pandemic, a shift to online classes was a good option.

6. I prefer online classes for the next semester.

7. If safety guideline is assured, I would prefer conventional classes.

8. Communication with professors was more convenient and effective in online classes.

9. Communication with peers was more convenient and effective in online classes.

10. Online classes helped me prepare better before the class.

11. Online classes helped me review better after the class.

12. Online classes stimulate and motivate self-directed learning.

13. Online classes will create difficulties in the clinical aspects of dental learning in the future.

14. Online classes will pose challenges in finishing dental school curriculum in the future.

15. Online classes will create difficulties in preparing for the national board exam in the future.

16. I am afraid that I will be a worse dentist than others who took conventional classes and clinical training.

Comparison of Online and Offline Pediatric Dentistry Class

Choose one of the following answers.




1. Time efficiency

2. Class participation and concentration

3. Attendance rate

4. Efficient knowledge transfer

5. Efficient communication

6. Efficient Question & Answer with professor

7. Academic fun and enthusiasm

8. Academic motivation

9. Academic stress

Dental School/University

Rate your level of agreement with each statement according to Likert’s 5-point scale.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly agree

1. The university is handling the current pandemic situation well.

2. The university implemented online classes well.

3. The university provided notifications and guideline beforehand to allow students prepare for online classes.

4. The university is actively communicating with students and feedback is quick and constructive.