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Table 2 Items excluded after validation

From: Development and validation of scale for measuring attitudes towards e-professionalism among medical and dental students: SMePROF-S scale



Reason for exclusion


People have the opportunity to post photos and document aspects of their professional life which would otherwise remain private.

Low saturation on all factors


A little leniency should be shown if unprofessional behaviour occurs in the first years of professional education.

Not contributing to one factor; low inter-item correlation;


The risks of social networking software greatly overweigh the benefits.

Equally low contribution to all factors


Patients use social media to get medical / dental information.

Ambiguous direction of item, not contributing to one factor


Professionalism in online activities is as important as in traditional (offline) environments.

Low contribution to multiple factors


I believe discussion on online professionalism to be more important for my profession than for any other.

These two items form specific dimension that stays uncorrelated with rest of instrument, suggesting they do not measure a part of e-professionalism


I believe discussion on online professionalism to be more important for my healthcare profession (physicians of different specialties) in respect to any other profession.


The benefits of social media overweight the risks of their use.

Equally low contribution to multiple factors