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Table 4 Students’ and instructors’ answers given to Likert-scale questions

From: The efficacy of virtual distance training of intensive therapy and anaesthesiology among fifth-year medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

Likert-scale questions

Students’ answers

N = 113

Instructors’ answers

N = 29


Median (IQR)

Median (IQR)

I received from the virtual distance training exactly what I have expected

4 (4, 5)


The virtual practices perfectly replaced the bed-side sessions - there is no need for the latter.

2 (1, 3)

1 (1, 1)

< 0.001

The virtual practices are useful but strictly in combination with bed-side sessions.

5 (3, 5)

5 (5, 5)


I can recognize a patient with respiratory insufficiency after completing the virtual training.

4 (3, 4)



I can recognize a patient with shock after completing the virtual training.

4 (3, 5)



I am aware of the perioperative management after completing the virtual training.

4 (3, 5)



Students were disadvantaged by taking the virtual practices instead of the bed-side sessions.

3 (3, 4)

4 (4, 5)


To what extent have the virtual practices raised your interest in intensive therapy and anaesthesiology?

4 (4, 5)



To what extent was it easy to follow the flow of the virtual practices?

5 (4, 5)



The virtual training was overall effective.

4 (3, 5)

4 (2, 4)


To what extent have you found the virtual practices’ imaging acceptable?

5 (4, 5)



To what extent have you found the virtual practices’ audio acceptable?

5 (4, 5)



To what extent have you found the material on Moodle® platform helpful?

4 (4, 5)



To what extent have you found the virtual trainings acceptable in total?

5 (4, 5)



I received sufficient information regarding distance learning from my institution.


4 (4, 5)


I received sufficient materials regarding the virtual course from my institution.


4 (4, 5)


Plenty of technical problems arose during virtual education leading to quality decrease of our teaching.


2 (1, 2)


I received sufficient technical support during virtual education from my institution.


5 (4, 5)


I could achieve a good interaction with students during virtual education – the same as during in-person sessions.


2 (1, 2)


Students’ interactivity was satisfactory during virtual sessions – it reached the level of an in-person session.


2 (1, 4)


I could transfer the planned knowledge during virtual teaching.


4 (3, 4.5)


I enjoyed virtual distance learning despite the difficulties of the new situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.


4 (2, 5)


The virtual trainings should be built into our course in the future.


4 (4, 5)


I would never teach at virtual distance learning again.


1 (1, 1)

  1. Answer options to statements: 1.0: strongly disagree, 2.0: disagree, 3.0: undecided, 4.0: agree, 5.0: strongly agree. Answer options to questions: 1.0: definitely not, 2.0: probably not, 3.0: undecided, 4.0: probably, 5.0: definitely. The answers to common questions were compared between students and instructors. Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison. Significant p-values are indicated in italics. IQR interquartile range, N/A non-applicable, as this group did not receive the particular question