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Table 1 Survey Items

From: The impact of global health opportunities on residency selection

Domains and Survey Items

Response Choices

Influence on Residency Choice


When you are selecting your residency program, how important to you is the potential for Global Health opportunities at the institution?

Very important, Moderately important, Slightly important, Not important

IF ≥ SLIGHTLY IMPORTANT: What are your reasons for desiring Global Health opportunities in residency? (Check all that apply)

Interest in working internationally for at least part of my career

Opportunity to learn about new cultures

Opportunity to work in low-resource settings

Opportunity to work on foreign language skills

Opportunity to travel

Research interests abroad

Sense that a Global Health experience will improve my compassion and empathy

Desire to learn about medical diagnoses not common in the U.S.

Other reason (please specify)

How important is it to you that your residency program has a Global Health curriculum (track, certificate, or group)?

Very important, Moderately important, Slightly important, Not important

I will only consider residencies that offer Global Health opportunities.

Strongly agree, Somewhat agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Somewhat disagree, Strongly disagree

Career Plans


In an ideal world, the location of my future practice would be:

Majority internationally

Majority in the U.S. with a significant portion internationally Primarily in the U.S. with minor portion internationally Completely in the U.S.

When I have completed medical training, I hope to work with:

Only underserved populations

Primarily underserved populations

A minor portion of my patients who are underserved

No specific interest in working with underserved populations

In what field of medicine did you apply for residency?

Text entry

Prior GH Experience


Did you participate in an elective rotation in a low-resource setting (e.g. internationally or Indian Health Services)?

What type of Global Health elective did you participate in? (Check all that apply)

Yes or No


Local low-resource setting

Indian Health Services

US-Mexico border




IF YES: How did this experience affect your likeliness to seek further global health experiences during residency?

Much more likely, Slightly more likely, Neutral, Slightly less likely, Much less likely

IF NO: What were the reasons that you did not? (Check all that apply)

I did not have interest in doing so


Not available at my institution

Inability to secure time for the rotation

Family obligations

Concern for my own health

Concern for own safety

Other (please specify)

In medical school, I have had dedicated class time on how to provide culturally sensitive care to immigrants and refugees.

No dedicated time

Some dedicated time but not enough

Adequate dedicated time

Frequent dedicated time

In medical school, how often did you have the opportunity to provide clinical care to immigrants and refugees?


Some but not enough

Adequate encounters

Frequent encounters

I feel confident in my ability to provide culturally sensitive care to refugees

Not at all, Sometimes, Usually, Always