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Table 7 Correlations among the overall evaluation of distance education (DE) experience, DE aspects, age of teachers, teaching hours in the second semester AY 2019–20, BDI-II scores during confinement and emotional health after confinement (n = 97)

From: Distance education during COVID 19: an Italian survey on the university teachers’ perspectives and their emotional conditions


Overall evaluation of the DE experience

Teacher age

Teaching hours during the II semester AY 2019–20

Distance education advantages

Personal satisfaction with new learning

Distance education disadvantages

BDI-II scores during home confinement

Emotional health after confinement

Teacher age

Pearson’s Correlation




2-tailed p-value



Teaching hours during the II semester AY 2019–20

Pearson’s Correlation





2-tailed p-value






Distance education advantages

Pearson’s Correlation






2-tailed p-value





Personal satisfaction with new learning

Pearson’s Correlation







2-tailed p-value






Distance education disadvantages

Pearson’s Correlation








2-tailed p-value







BDI-II scores during home confinement

Pearson’s Correlation









2-tailed p-value








Emotional health after confinement

Pearson’s Correlation









2-tailed p-value








  1. **p < 0.01
  2. *p < 0.05