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Table 4 Classification of themes in COM-B

From: A qualitative study exploring contributors to the success of a community of practice in rehabilitation


Themes (n = reporting themes)



The individual’s psychological and physical capacity to engage in the activity concerned

Comprehension of project

(n = 8)

“What I could wish for more knowledge about before I entered [the project], is more what is expected of you as a knowledge expert, what this year will involve sort of.”

“[it’s] been a bit difficult to know what the whole thing is about. It’s a bit like you throw yourself in it, and you don’t know really what you’re supposed to do, where to start. […] Also it’s not so easy to allocate time, when one really doesn’t know where to begin.”


(n = 10)

“I think it has been difficult […] when I took my education, it didn’t have that research bit in it at all.”

“There is a lot of difficult, such research terms? With like, standard error and measurement and a lot! Lots of things you have to familiarize yourself with, a lot of numbers, and things that, at least for me, takes a little time to remember what everything means.”


Factors not related to individuals, that enables the target behaviour

Technological solutions

(n = 10)

“The technical hasn’t worked ideally […]. It turns out to be somewhat challenging to have lessons streamed from the US. It has its value of course, and it’s been good. But it has some technical challenges.”

Organizational support

(n = 9)

“[The project] is organized so we can get things done, but it depends on the employer, how much workload there is […] If you get allocated time to [the project] […] So, it’s both up to me, and my employer, if I will be able to contribute as much as the project requires.”

“It is about [the project] being rooted with leadership. That they give you time to take part in it and think it is important what you are doing, and that they back you up in doing it in a good way.”


(n = 9)

“Face-to-face communication is easier in many ways, rather than through phone or a screen. So, if you start in the other end, instead of having the physical meeting long after project start up, you could rather arrange it in the beginning […] and switch to teleconference after a while. It is easier to talk to people by phone when you know their faces.”

“It’s exciting to hear about how others work, and what they think. That you can benefit from the experience of others.”


Project management

(n = 10)

“[the e-leaning courses] requires that you do something in return and that interactivity has been good. There have been these small courses, simple in their nature, but still it requires something in return.”

“[the project management] have been very helpful and easy to get in touch with. They’ve been very eager to help as soon as something comes up.”


Brain processes that energize and direct behavior


(n = 8)

“If [the summaries are] something that you know you’ll benefit from in your daily practice and that will benefit the patient, the motivation gets a lot higher, to sort of really understand and really study thoroughly and really like, yes, dive into it.”

“Luckily we are two from our institution, so that’s a strength for us as I see it, that we can pull each other a bit. But I would think for someone who’s alone from an institution and participate in this, if you then struggle with staying motivated, then it’s a threat just to be on your own. Such brief inspirational gatherings would then be useful.”

“It is important that everybody are able to read research on a decent level in order to participate further. […] Both that everyone is able to and also wants to learn it. […] That you have a personal motivation to get up to the right level. That is a prerequisite for us to be able to succeed.”

Professional development

(n = 9)

“There is a focus on knowledge, so I think it’s informative, that it’s exciting to learn something new […] To learn about ways to evaluate articles for example, or learning to evaluate research, I think is interesting. So self-development in relation to that.”

Multi-component themes

Time (capability and opportunity)

(n = 8)

“We are struggling with allocating the time to do [the project], and I think that will be a challenge ahead as well, that we have to sort of prioritize it and make time to do what needs to be done.”

“At the time I was asked to, it was a lot to do at work then, so there was simply no time or capacity to work with it during work hours. And then you have other things that you’re doing home, so it’s not always time to sit with at home and if so, then it should perhaps have been more organized for if you are going to work with it at home then you have to write hours, since it is a part of the job.”

The bigger picture (capability, opportunity, and motivation)

(n = 9)

“[…] and together strengthen the whole rehabilitation field. Because it is a field which somehow falls onto the back burner so to speak, regarding being prioritized, focused on in economic terms by politicians and everything. That we manage to raise [the field] so we have something more to turn the table with, so we are heard and get to show the good effects, and why it is important to focus on. That it is socio-economically sensible […] to actually utilize more documented knowledge and be more systematic in the work we are doing. Then it’s perhaps easier to convince those who hold the money bag and the power and stuff like that.”

“If we don’t do a good job […] then you might as well not do it at all. The whole point is that the research summaries produced are done thoroughly and have a good quality, because otherwise it might be misleading, maybe things go out to the clinics which shouldn’t be there.”

  1. Note: definitions in italics taken from Michie et al. 2011 [30] (p. 4)