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Table 4 Summary of patients, students, and clinical supervisors’ perspectives of the PFCP questionnaire as a pedagogical feedback tool

From: Let’s ask the patient – composition and validation of a questionnaire for patients’ feedback to medical students

Identified themes

Patients’ perspectives

Students’ perspectives

Clinical supervisors’ perspectives

Ability to capture the personal agenda of the consultation

Clarifies the provided information and suggested treatment in relation to personal agenda

Identifies students’ assignment as health providers regarding communication and consultation skills

Identifies supervisors’ pedagogical assignment

Alignment with the consultation

Visualises the consultation process with preserved authenticity

Visualises the expected performance in relation to learning goals

Highlights and illustrates learning outcomes and enhances the framework for feedback in alignment with the consultation

Construct and characteristics

Visualises the intended task as a feedback provider. Facilitates the process to provide specific feedback

Facilitates the identification of the level of knowledge and areas for improvement

Facilitates the clinical supervisor’s ability to provide adequate feedback to students