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Table 2 Reasons for choosing and rejecting the psychiatry specialty at matriculation

From: Career choice and influential factors among medical students majoring in psychiatry in China


Choosing psychiatry (Psychiatry major)

n = 4610 (no. [%])

Objecting psychiatry

(Clinical medicine major)

n = 3857 (no. [%])

Personal interest

2748 (59.61)

2273 (58.93)

Family’s suggestion or influence

1289 (27.96)

301 (7.81)

Experience of mental problems of oneself or others

1069 (23.19)


Low admission score of psychiatry

520 (11.28)

17 (0.99)

Lack knowledge of psychiatry

72 (1.56)

83 (2.15)

Positive/negative attitudes toward psychiatry

30 (0.65)

163 (4.23)


11 (0.24)

117 (3.06)

Other reasons

705 (15.29)

443 (11.67)