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Table 2 Criteria for Dimensions and Stages of Self-Authorship

From: Moral judgement development during medical student clinical training


External Formulas




Knowledge from authorities is accepted or partially accepted without evaluation

Evolving awareness of the uncertainty created by multiple perspectives and recognition of the need to accept responsibility for beliefs

Knowledge is contextual. An internal belief system allows the construction, evaluation and interpretation of evidence to form judgements


Identity derived from the definitions and approval of others

Emerging tension between internal and external values and beliefs prompting self-exploration

Consolidation of personal values and identity to allow interpretation of evidence within context


Relationships are a source of identity and affirmation

Evolving recognition of how dependent relationships constrain growth. Emerging identity creates struggle for independence

Engagement in interdependent relationships without the need for approval and with the ability to recognise and accept the perspectives of others

  1. (Adapted from Baxter Magolda M, King PM. Learning partnerships: Theory and models of practice to educate for self-authorship: Stylus Publishing, LLC.; 2004. with permission of the publisher. Copyright© 2004, Stylus Publishing, LLC).