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Table 5 PCR session on case studies in environmental health

From: The design and implementation of a longitudinal social medicine curriculum at the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine

Relevant Basic Sciences Material: Introduction to toxicology, microcytic anemia

PCR Learning Objectives

 1. Explore the role of our healthcare system in mediating environmental health issues.

 2. Explore the responsibilities a physician has in addressing health concerns with environmental underpinnings.

 3. Examine which populations of people are more vulnerable to environmental exposures.

PCR Readings/Resources

 1. “Everything Water Touches,” (Video,

 2. “Flint’s Fight for American Children,” (Video,

 3. “DAPL and American Indian as ‘Protector’,” (Article,

PCR Discussion Questions

 1. What are the Structural/Social Determinants of Health that might lead to lead poisoning?

 2. What are some long-term social impacts that lead poisoning can have on communities and families?

 3. What is the role of a physician in responding to acute lead poisoning?

 4. Who is most vulnerable to environmental exposures, both nationally and internationally?