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Table 2 Summary of free-text quotations grouped by theme

From: Que(e) rying undergraduate medical curricula: a cross-sectional online survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer content inclusion in UK undergraduate medical education

LGBT Individuals as teachers or facilitators

Use of external organisations to deliver LGBT sessions or produce content


“Case based discussions of scenarios involving LGBT health workers with online resources to explore and inform discussion. Y3 Transgender awareness workshop run by an academic who is transgender” Medical School 1 (MS1)

“Awareness workshop run with [local county] LGBT, a local charity and advocacy organisation” MS1

Informal approach to increased student exposure to LGBT topics:

“One format also tried was small group lunches with a volunteer in the room informally discussing their lived experiences both in and outside healthcare (e.g. how it feels to come out / question your sexuality or gender identity / family issues / relationships / microaggressions etc).” MS12

“In year 1, the lecture on LGBT health is delivered by undergraduate medical students with experience of LGBT issues” MS5

“[we] utilise RCGP [the Royal College of General Practitioners] LGBT+ online modules” MS9

“It is also important to keep track of where people are doing LGBTQ+ inclusive teaching so this can be reviewed - well-meaning educators including content which can sometimes be unintentionally problematic (playing into stereotypes or the educator not having enough knowledge, e.g. around trans people’s experience)” MS4

“We have an interactive patient lecture” MS9

“A supporting lecture and Q&A session were provided by [local county trans organisation], our local Trans support charity” MS14

“This initiative is … being maintained by a very small number of trained and interested academics and it is deemed above and beyond our role descriptions. This is however changing and we are starting to see review and change in the institution.” MS7

“Year 5: 3 h session (lectures and small groups). Led by LGBT+ students and alumni with oversight and input from faculty (communications skills and public health) … a panel of LGBT+ volunteers [were] part of the session …” MS12

“… some is delivered in conjunction with LGBT organisations” MS19