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Table 2 Indicators and data sources for evaluating process and outcomes according to the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance framework

From: An evaluation of obstetric ultrasound education program in Nepal using the RE-AIM framework




Data Sources (Tools)


An individual-level measure that describes the population the intervention intended to benefit and those that participated or were exposed to the intervention. It is reported as the absolute number, proportion, and representativeness of individuals. (Glasgow(1999, 2018))

Yearly description of participants by demographic characteristics, professional characteristics and geographic coverage.

Enrollment records, initial paper survey


The impact measurement of an intervention on outcomes, including both positive and negative effects. It is presented as an average of the overall effect of outcomes.

Mean difference scores in pre- and post-levels of knowledge

Pre- and post-test

Mean difference scores in pre- and post-levels of self-confidence

Pre- and post-survey

Satisfaction scores of healthcare providers who participated the education program

Paper survey

Adoption (Individual Level)

Reports settings of a program or policy and intervention agents. This dimension can be reported as a rate or proportion but not limited to those, and qualitative measures can be used.

Percentage of participants reporting the use of the techniques learned

Online survey via email

Techniques used in current practice

In-depth interview

What were the participants’ attitudes and beliefs toward the intervention?


Describes how the program or policy is delivered, the economics behind a program or policy, and the implementation factors associated with results. The studies’ context implementation dimension focuses on strategies and qualitative approaches used to understand the reasons behind the outcomes.

Description of implementation strategy and processes


Implementing partners

Administrative records

Inclusion of all components of education program. (Fig. 1)

Maintenance (Organizational Level)

Addresses operational times, the sustainability of the intervention, and factors leading to sustainment. It is reported as a rate or proportion of the recipients that sustained the intervention and institutionalization of practice or policy. Qualitative approaches are also adopted to understand multi-level factors related to sustainment.

Policies and Infrastructure to ensure long-term use of ultrasound

In-depth interview

Initiatives from partners in Nepal which sustains education program