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Table 2 TBL pre-class and class activity schedule

From: Team-based learning replaces problem-based learning at a large medical school



Explanation of activity


 1–2 h

Pre-class reading or pre-recorded lectures

Student pre-preparation was aligned with the TBL of the week.

 10 min

Individual Readiness Assurance Test (IRAT)

(administered on Blackboard)

Individual knowledge of the pre-reading was assessed by 10 Multiple Choice Questions, using single best answer format, with five options.


 15 min

Team Readiness Assurance Test (TRAT)

(administered via Kuracloud, a cloud-based, content development tool used to deliver interactive lessons)

The same MCQ test was repeated by the students in their teams (TRAT). The test was administered using Kuracloud. One computer or laptop per team was used, with the intent of promoting discussion to establish team consensus.

Unlike the 2016 TBL implementation, tutors and students were not told their scores, removing any competition between teams.

 25 min

Immediate feedback from the facilitators

The correct answers were given and explained by the facilitators with the use of pre-prepared powerpoint presentations.

 105 min

Clinical problem solving activities

Students then worked in their teams on their problem solving activities, using knowledge consolidated through the prior steps.

 5 min
