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Table 3 GCC Pharmacists self-perceived competence and confident for planning and conducting health research (n = 214)

From: Pharmacists’ background, interests, barriers, self-perceived competence and confidence to design and undertake pharmacy practice-based research in the GCC geographic area

Research domain




Competent n (%)

Moderately competent n (%)

Not competent n (%)

Confident n (%)

Moderately competent

n (%)

Not confident n (%)

1. Conception of research idea.

91 (42.5)

84 (39.3)

39 (18.2)

101 (47.9)

84 (39.8)

26 (12.3)

2. Searching the literature efficiently.

108 (50.5)

81 (37.9)

25 (11.7)

109 (51.7)

82 (38.9)

20 (9.5)

3. Critically reviewing research literature.

83 (38.8)

93 (43.5)

38 (17.8)

93 (44.1)

87 (41.2)

31 (14.7)

4. Formulating research hypotheses and research questions.

77 (36.0)

95 (44.4)

42 (19.6)

76 (36.0)

101 (47.9)

34 (16.1)

5. Proposing appropriate study designs or methods.

72 (33.6)

86 (40.2)

56 (26.2)

78 (37.0)

92 (43.6)

41 (19.4)

6. Writing research proposal or developing a protocol.

78 (36.4)

89 (41.6)

47 (22.0)

77 (36.5)

89 (42.2)

45 (21.3)

7. Defining target population, sample and eligibility criteria.

90 (42.1)

80 (37.4)

44 (20.6)

77 (36.5)

86 (40.8)

48 (22.7)

8. Determine appropriate sample size.

61 (28.5)

85 (39.7)

68 (31.8)

59 (28.0)

94 (44.5)

58 (27.5)

9. Choosing an appropriate sampling technique (e.g. random sampling).

68 (31.8)

86 (40.2)

60 (28.0)

60 (28.4)

94 (44.5)

57 (27.0)

10. Determining outcome measures (variables to measure).

70 (32.7)

90 (42.1)

54 (25.2)

75 (35.5)

91 (43.1)

45 (21.3)

11. Ethical considerations.

102 (47.7)

77 (36.0)

35 (16.4)

102 (48.3)

72 (34.1)

37 (17.5)

12. Outlining detailed statistical plans to be used in data analyses.

54 (25.6)

85 (40.3)

72 (34.1)

60 (28.4)

92 (43.6)

59 (28.0)

13. Designing a data collection form.

75 (35.5)

89 (42.2)

47 (22.3)

78 (37.0)

87 (41.2)

46 (21.8)

14. Developing and validating a study instrument (e.g. questionnaire).

71 (33.6)

85 (40.3)

55 (26.1)

72 (34.1)

89 (42.2)

50 (23.7)

15. Collecting relevant data using preplanned data collection forms.

79 (37.4)

88 (41.7)

44 (20.9)

91 (43.1)

76 (36.0)

44 (20.9)

16. Managing and storing data including data entry into a database.

84 (39.8)

74 (35.1)

53 (25.1)

81 (38.4)

81 (38.4)

49 (23.2)

17. Statistical analyses using software (e.g. STATA, SPSS, EpiInfo).

56 (26.5)

62 (29.4)

93 (44.1)

51 (24.2)

75 (35.5)

85 (40.3)

18. Choosing and applying appropriate “INFERENTIAL” statistical tests and methods.

43 (20.4)

69 (32.7)

99 (46.9)

46 (21.8)

76 (36.0)

89 (42.2)

19. Summarizing data in tables or charts.

94 (44.5)

78 (37.0)

39 (18.5)

97 (46.0)

79 (37.4)

35 (16.6)

20. Interpretation of the findings and determining the significance of obtained results.

80 (37.9)

83 (39.3)

48 (22.7)

93 (44.1)

77 (36.5)

41 (19.4)

21. Preparing a presentation (oral or poster).

126 (59.7)

61 (28.9)

24 (11.4)

118 (55.9)

73 (34.6)

20 (9.5)

22. Writing a manuscript for publication in a scientific journal.

76 (36.0)

77 (36.5)

58 (27.5)

80 (37.9)

81 (38.4)

50 (23.7)