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Table 3 The codes and themes that emerged during data-analysis, which was deducted on basis of the different sub-questions of the research questions

From: Interprofessional education and collaboration between general practitioner trainees and practice nurses in providing chronic care; a qualitative study




Topics discussed during IPE and IPC between GP trainee and practice nurse

-Pulmonary function tests

-Insulin therapy

-Interpretation laboratory tests

-Organisation of chronic care

-Exploring patients’ perspective

-Structuring the consultation

-Motivational interviewing

Knowledge and skills concerning chronic care

Communication skills

Sentiments of GP trainee and practice nurse concerning IPE and IPC

- Enthusiasm

- Inspiration

Positive outlook

Contributing factors for IPE and IPC

-Scheduled IPE/IPC activities

-Assigning tasks and responsibilities

Integration of IPE/IPC in the organisation

Impeding factors for IPE and IPC

-Opinions on methods used by the other profession

-Lack of knowledge of the others’ professions

-Experiencing less necessity

-Not taking any initiative

-Organisational structure of the GP training practice

-Direction and frequency of communication between the triad


-Behaviour and opinions of GP supervisor concerning IPE/IPC

-IPE is not facilitated


Lack of urgency


Lack of role models